Certified Document Translations

Document Translation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What documents commonly require translation?
Documents that often require translation include birth certificates, marriage
certificates, academic transcripts, legal contracts, business documents, medical
records, and immigration documents. Each type of document may have specific
requirements depending on its intended use.

How do I ensure my birth certificate translation is accepted by government
For a birth certificate or any official document to be accepted by government
agencies, it must be translated accurately and may need to be certified or notarized.
The translation should include all visible text and be accompanied by a statement of
accuracy from the translator. It's important to check the specific requirements of the
agency receiving the document.

What is the difference between certified and notarized translations?
A certified translation includes a signed statement by the translator or translation
company affirming that the translation is accurate and complete. A notarized
translation, on the other hand, involves a notary public attesting to the identity of the
person signing the certification. Notarization does not certify the accuracy of the
translation, only the identity of the individual signing the document.

How long does it take to get a document translated?
Turnaround times for translations can vary depending on the length of the document,
the language pair, and the complexity of the subject matter. Standard documents can
often be translated within a few business days, while more complex projects may
take longer. It's best to provide the translation service with as much notice as
possible and discuss your deadline needs upfront.

Can you translate a document for use in another country?
Yes, documents translated for use in another country may require additional steps
such as notarization or an apostille, depending on the destination country's legal
requirements. It's essential to inform the translation service of the document's
intended use so they can ensure it meets all necessary criteria for international

What is the cost of translation services?
The cost of translation services varies based on several factors including the
document's length, the complexity of the subject matter, and the language pair. Some
translation services charge by the word, while others may offer a flat rate for specific
document types. For an accurate quote, it's recommended to contact the translation
service directly with details of your project.