FL Identification Requirements for Notarization

ID Requirements for FL Notarizations Florida Statute §117.05(5)(b)

ID must be current OR issued within the last 5 years AND bear a serial or ID number
Driver’s Licenses 

❖ Issued by the FL Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. (2)(a) 

❖ Issued by a territory of the United States, another state, Canada or Mexico. (2)(d) 


❖ Issued by the U.S. Department of State. (5)(b)(2)(b) 

❖ Issued by a foreign government, if stamped by the U.S. Department of Justice, 

 Immigration and Naturalization Service. (5)(b)(2)(c) 

Identification Cards 

❖ Issued by the FL Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. (2)(a) 

❖ Issued by a territory of the United States or a state other than Florida. (2)(d) 

❖ Issued by any branch of the U.S. armed forces (DD Form 2). (2)(e) 

❖ Veteran Health Card issued by US Department of Veterans Affairs (as of 7/2017) (2)(f) 

❖ Issued by the U.S. Department of Justice, US Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration Services, "Resident Alien",  Form I-551. (2)(j) 

Inmate Cards 

❖ Issued on or after 1/1/1991 by the FL Department of Corrections for an inmate who is currently in custody  of the Department. (No signature on card.) (2)(g) 

❖ Issued by the US DOJ, Bureau of Prisons, for an inmate who is in the custody of the department. (2)(h) 

❖ A sworn, written statement from a sworn law enforcement officer that the forms of identification for an  inmate in an institution of confinement were confiscated upon confinement, and that the person named in the  document is the person whose signature is to be notarized. (2)(i) 

No Identification (1)(a-e) 

❖ Sworn written statement of a credible witness who is personally known to the notary and who personally  knows the signer. 

❖ Sworn written statement of two credible witnesses whose identities are proven to the notary and who  personally know the signer, and, 

✓ The person whose signature is to be notarized is the person named in the document. 

✓ The person whose signature is to be notarized is personally known to the witnesses; 

✓ That it is the reasonable belief of the witnesses that the circumstances of the person whose signature is to be notarized are  such that it would be very difficult or impossible for that person to obtain another form of identification; 

✓ The person whose signature is to be notarized does not possess any of the identification documents specified herein; and, ✓ The witnesses do not have a financial interest in nor are parties to the underlying transaction.